Giant Cell Arteritis (Temporal arteritis)
Price mentioned is in Indian Rupees and is treatment cost for one month. Price includes shipping for domestic customers within India. For international clients, shipping costs are extra, and include cost of minimum 2 months' medicines, international shipping, documentation and handling charges, payment gateway charges and currency conversion. Treatment required for giant cell arteritis is about 4-6 months.
After making payment, kindly upload your medical history and all relevant medical reports by email at or by WhatsApp at 00-91-8108358858.
Disease treatment description
Giant cell arteritis is also known as cranial arteritis or temporal arteritis. This is a medical condition involving inflammation in the arteries situated in the temple area. This leads to pain and tenderness in the temple area, where the hardened arteries can be felt. Associated symptoms include pain and tenderness in the jaw and near the eyes, and muscular pains elsewhere in the body. Cranial arteritis is a serious condition since it can involve loss of eyesight if the condition is not treated properly. Elderly women are usually more susceptible to this disease.
The modern treatment of giant cell arteritis or temporal arteritis involves the use of steroids to reduce the inflammation within the arteries. While steroids promptly reduced the inflammation and pain, in most affected individuals, these medicines need to be continued permanently or on a long-term basis, which is not usually desirable because of the side-effects of steroids. In most instances, the inflammation recurs after the steroids have been stopped.
Ayurvedic herbal treatment is especially useful in the treatment of giant cell arteritis or temporal arteritis. Ayurvedic medicines reduce the inflammation within the arteries promptly, while the pain within the arteries as well as in the surrounding areas also subsides quickly. In addition, treatment with Ayurvedic herbal medicines also prevents recurrence of the disease. An important advantage of Ayurvedic herbal medicines is that it can prevent complications like blindness. This is because Ayurvedic medicines treat inflammation and prevent blockage of the arteries.
An order once placed, cannot be cancelled. For exceptional circumstances (e.g. sudden death of patient), we need to get our medicines returned in good and usable condition, after which a refund will be effected after deducting 30 % administrative expenses. Return will be at the cost of the client. Capsules and powders do not qualify for a refund. Local courier charges, international shipping costs incurred, and documentation and handling charges also will not be refunded.Even in case of exceptional circumstances, a refund will be considered only within 10 days from delivery of the medicines. The decision taken by staff of Mundewadi Ayurvedic Clinic in this respect will be final and binding on all clients.
The treatment package includes shipping costs for domestic clients who are ordering within India. Shipping charges are extra for international clients. In addition, international clients will have to select a minimum of 2 months' order since this will be the most cost effective and practical option.
What You Can Expect with Ayurvedic Treatment
With a full course of treatment, most patients recover completely or improve significantly. Best results are seen with a combination of Ayurvedic oral medications, local application and Panchkarma treatment modalities.