Dr A A Mundewadi's
Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for all Chronic Diseases
More than 35 Years Experience/3 Lakh Patients Treated
Testimonials (page 8):
71) “I had severe acne on my face which was causing a major embarrassment to me; I used to dread going to college or going for social functions. I tried treatment from our family physician and also a dermatologist; however, I had no benefit. In fact, the medicines were causing severe side effects. A neighbour recommended taking treatment from Dr A A Mundewadi. With six months of Ayurvedic treatment, my acne cleared up completely, and there has been no major recurrence in the last 2 years after treatment. ”
AGF, 21 years, Mumbra, Thane, Maharashtra, INDIA
72) “In 1985, I had irregular and heavy menstrual bleeding, and investigations revealed a very bulky uterus. I was advised hysterectomy since I had a high chance of developing uterine cancer. I took Ayurvedic treatment from Mundewadi Ayurvedic Clinic for 9 months after which all my symptoms subsided completely. Now, 30 years later, I am still symptom free and without any related health issues. ”
QM, 77 years, Mumbra, Thane, Maharashtra, INDIA
73) “I was severely addicted to alcohol and smoking; this was ruining my personal relations with my family and neighbours, and also draining us financially. I tried quitting several times, and also went to several persons who were reputed to cure addiction; however, nothing worked for me. My family members then took me to Dr A A Mundewadi for Ayurvedic treatment. He assured me that I would be able to quit, and pointed out that it would help improve my life span by at least 10 years, and stabilize my family’s future. This helped me to take his medicines regularly for 6 months. Four years later on, I am still independent of alcohol and tobacco. ”
KD, 58 years, Reti-Bunder, Mumbra, Thane, Maharashtra, INDIATranslated from Marathi
74) “I had allergic cough and cold since several years and could not get good relief with any medication. After taking treatment from Mundewadi Ayurvedic Clinic for 4 months, all my symptoms were cured completely. ”
PD, 26 years, Reti-Bunder, Mumbra, Thane, Maharashtra, INDIA
75) “I had chronic and recurrent sinusitis since several years. Every month or two, I would get this affliction and it would take nearly 4-5 weeks to clear up. I was fed up with this recurrent condition. After taking treatment from Mundewadi Ayurvedic Clinic for 6 months, all my symptoms vanished and I am now free from this recurrent condition since nearly 5 years. ”
AM, 53 years, Mumbra, Thane, Maharashtra, INDIA
76) “I had benign prostatic hypertrophy since nearly 2 years, because of which I had slow, dribbling urine several times in a day, and I would need to get up frequently at night too. After taking treatment from Dr Mundewadi for 5 months, I am now completely free of symptoms since nearly 7 years. ”
AM, 86 years, Pune, Maharashtra, INDIA
77) “I had a cystic swelling on the back of my right palm since several months. It would cause occasional mild pain while moving the wrist. I took advice and treatment from several doctors without any benefit. I then took Ayurvedic treatment from Dr A A Mundewadi who diagnosed it as a ganglion. In 4 weeks, the swelling had subsided completely and has not recurred since. ”
AK, 25 years, Reti-Bunder, Mumbra, Thane, Maharashtra, INDIA
78) “I started finding it difficult to prostate on my knees during prayers. I discovered that there was a round swelling on both my legs a little below the knees. An orthopaedic doctor diagnosed it as bursitis. The medicines which he prescribed lessened the pain and swelling a little; however, the problem was not solved completely. I was referred for Ayurvedic treatment to Mundewadi Ayurvedic Clinic. After treatment for about 4 months, the swelling and pain subsided completely. ”
ZA, 21 years, Kausa, Mumbra, Thane, Maharashtra, INDIA
79) “I used to have recurrent headache followed by vomiting almost every one or two weeks since nearly 5 years. After taking Ayurvedic treatment from Mundewadi Ayurvedic Clinic for 3 months, my headaches, which were diagnosed as migraine, slowly subsided. I was asked to gradually taper the medicines over the next 3 months and then stop completely. My headaches have not reappeared since then. ”
AS, 38 years, Reti-Bunder, Mumbra, Thane, Maharashtra, INDIA
80) “I was detected with increased blood sugar since the last 15 years. Even though I was taking regular treatment for the same, the blood sugar was completely under control, and I was strictly on a diabetic diet, still I used to suffer from diarrhoea for months on end. Modern doctors ruled out all other causes of chronic diarrhoea, and concluded that it was due to the diabetes; however, they could not treat it successfully. I started losing weight and was weak and tired all the time. I then took treatment from Mundewadi Ayurvedic Clinic for 4 months, and I was completely cured of the diarrhoea. ”
MM, 57 years, Mumbra, Thane, Maharashtra, INDIA