Dr A A Mundewadi's
Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for all Chronic Diseases
More than 35 Years Experience/3 Lakh Patients Treated
Testimonials (Page 12):
111) “My aunt aged 52 years was diagnosed as having Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO); she had repeat episodes in 2003, 2013, 2015, and the last recurrence was in April 2016. The first 3 episodes were controlled successfully with modern treatment; however, in the latest episode, she developed neck downwards paralysis causing limb weakness and bowel incontinence, as well as visual disturbances. We therefore started additional Ayurvedic treatment from Mundewadi Ayurvedic Clinic. After 4 months of treatment, her vision has stabilized, and her limbs are in a normal condition. ”
AK, 0 years, Gaya, Bihar, INDIA.
112) “I was suffering from chronic and recurrent pancreatitis since the 6 months. In August 2014, I started Ayurvedic treatment from Dr A A Mundewadi to hopefully prevent the recurrent severe bouts of abdominal pain and vomiting. After 8 months of treatment, I have thankfully obtained complete relief from this condition. ”
MR, 53 years, Kalyan, Maharashtra, INDIA.
113) “My daughter aged 13 years was having repeated attacks of pain in abdomen, and vomiting, in the year 2016. She was diagnosed as having chronic pancreatitis, and required frequent hospitalization due to the severe pain. After 5 months of treatment from Mundewadi Ayurvedic Clinic, the severe pain has gone completely. She does get mild pain occasionally, especially when she takes outside food and sweets, but now there is no major health issue. ”
MS, 0 years, Kalwa, Thane, Maharashtra, INDIA.
114) “My 5 year old son had a fall in the early part of 2016, and after a few months started limping and complaining of pain. After examination and medical tests, he was diagnosed as having Perthe’s disease. After 4 months treatment from Mundewadi Ayurvedic Clinic, all his symptoms have subsided completely, although he has been asked to limit his gaming activities for 18 months. ”
SB, 0 years, Pune, Maharashtra, INDIA.
115) “After a surgical procedure, I developed chronic fever for several months which would subside temporarily with treatment. Extensive testing did not reveal any abnormality; however, a PET-CT scan suggested possible pyelonephritis infection. After taking treatment from Mundewadi Ayurvedic Clinic for one month, this fever subsided without any further health issues. ”
GLS, 54 years, Mumbai, Maharashtra, INDIA.
116) “In 2014, I was diagnosed as having Rheumatoid Arthritis; I had severe swelling and pain in multiple joints and had a strongly positive RA test. Treatment from several doctors did not give satisfactory results. One of my relatives suggested treatment from Mundewadi Ayurvedic Clinic. After 8 months of treatment, all my symptoms subsided completely. One year hence, I am still symptom free and there has been no recurrence. ”
SP, 44 years, Anjur, Bhiwandi, Maharashtra, INDIA.
117) “I had chronic cough, mild fever and weight loss since several months. After repeated and extensive testing, I was diagnosed as having Sarcoidosis, with lesions in the lungs. After taking Ayurvedic treatment from Dr A A Mundewadi for 4 months, all my symptoms are now under control. ”
SA, 47 years, UK
118) “My son aged 21 years developed uncontrollable tremors after a short spell of unconsciousness; this was diagnosed as unintentional tremor. We were told that there was no specific treatment for this problem. After taking treatment from Mundewadi Ayurvedic Clinic, the tremors reduced by nearly 50 %. ”
AD, 0 years, Thane, Maharashtra, INDIA.
119) “I used to have recurrent episode of bloody diarrhea with mucus. After extensive tests, this was diagnosed as Ulcerative Colitis. My condition was partly controlled with the use of steroids, but there was no further improvement, and I was anxious to get off steroids at the earliest. I started treatment from Mundewadi Ayurvedic Clinic in early 2013. In 8 months, I was able to get off steroids completely, and I had a complete remission from my symptoms without a recurrence after 14 months of treatment. ”
VR, 30 years, Hyderabad, Telangana, INDIA.
120) “I had recurrent cough, fever and breathlessness off and on along with weakness, since the last more than four years. After doing repeated tests and conclusively ruling out tuberculosis, cancer and other infections, my physicians made out a diagnosis of Sarcoidosis. I was put on steroids but I discontinued the same since it did not help me much. I started Ayurvedic treatment form Mundewadi Ayurvedic Clinic as an alternative form of treatment, and I am happy to state that I got significant remission in most of my symptoms with treatment of six months. ”
SA, 47 years, Middlesex, UK